2009年11月29日 星期日

2009年6月27日 星期六


樂觀的人覺得還有半杯水, 悲觀的人覺得只剩半杯水。
龐畢度展後, 同事都很想知道怎麼樣去看畫, 怎麼樣去欣賞畫。
sure it is a good start, but they ask me to explain why these masters paint this and that way....
actually I don't like to do this.

藝術是主觀的, 設計是客觀的
藝術家試著用作品與每個人溝通, 你不能等別人告訴你藝術家跟他說了什麼,
這是他跟米羅, 跟畢卡索之間的事。 
每個人眼裡看的不同, 穿越時空的對話, 

另外, 也是因為導覽這種東西, 加入太多穿鑿附會的元素, 甚至掩蓋過原來的初衷。
後人試圖偉大每個作品, 因此只有原畫家自己說得才算, 其他..就當作野史聽聽就好。

2009年3月17日 星期二

traffic bus

Since Quanta is not located in Taipei, i have to take the traffic bus at 06:45 to work.(actually it's too early for me, but for the money sake.... it is free) 

People who takes traffic bus usually arrive in company about 07:40. well then there are about 250 walking toward the entrance, walking in the same pace, with their indifferent face and hollow eyes(especially in the early morning),  kinda like the movie "Land of The Dead."  (http://www.landofthedeadmovie.net)

I don like this phenomenon, people don't talk. I m glad that i had a conversation w/ C.H.  Anyway it is is a good start. 

2009年2月24日 星期二

2009年2月10日 星期二

about presentation

1. catch audience attention and interesting in the beginning.

2. make point brief and precise, finish it in two or three words.

3. pictures speak  louder than words.

4. let audience know "what it is now" at any slide.

5. temple.

to be continued....

2009年2月1日 星期日

the learning from office

1. Make triple check before sending an email, check for the spelling and timing,etc. because it is the easiest trackable evidence.
2. Sit tight even in tea break time.. :(
3. Show your weapon (professional knowledge and skill) at anytime.
4. Show respect to everyone and talk nicely to them, even the guards and people you don't know.
5. Be there!
6. Willing to help people around you, there is a need there is me.

to be continued...

2009年1月30日 星期五

Design Engineering

Since i got my biz card, i was labeled as "Engineer". All designers in our company are  labeled the same as me. Actually it disappointed me a bit.., and i start thinking like a engineer, it seems tell me i should do like an engineer. i lost my magic, my sense of design, even thought suddenly. I myself trapped my mind. i m a Designer, i don have to follow what senior engineers do. 

In the other hand, thinking the definition of design, maybe design could be an engineering, it also could a be a kind of science, and how!? that's what i should do now..

it's time to fight back....

2009年1月26日 星期一

good morning

good morning, to me and to the world.

it is always good for my mind to get up early.

good morning and have a good year,

to me and all the world.